Thursday, September 17, 2009

September Competition - Cash prize!

I propose a competition, Iron Chef style. With the theme ingredient being my favorite veggie family (I'm sure Stephen can correct me on the correct classification of this word): Brassicaceae. This means that cabbage, kale, spinach, turnips, mustard, and so on are fair game.

The winner will get a cash prize in the mail from me! Since this is my competition, try to make it vegan, but if you don't that's cool too. Just have the posts in by September 30th. We will decide on how to vote later.


  1. I am going to kick your asses, all the way from my shared dorm kitchen in budapest.

  2. Awesome man! Do you want like a whole menu Iron Chef style, or like one recipie iron chef style? Love the post.

  3. I think just one dish should be sufficient in the interest of increasing participation. But if you want to do a whole menu knock yourself out.

    Also, if anyone is reading this that wants to get in on it but is not a contributer yet, feel free to drop me your email address and I will invite you to this blog:
